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National Green Hydrogen Mission


About the National Green Hydrogen Mission

The National Green Hydrogen Mission aims to provide a comprehensive action plan for establishing a Green Hydrogen ecosystem and catalysing a systemic response to the opportunities and challenges in this sunrise sector.

Green Hydrogen, produced using renewable energy, has the potential to play a key role in such low-carbon and self-reliant economic pathways. Green Hydrogen can enable utilization of domestically abundant renewable energy resources across regions, seasons, and sectors, feeding multiple usage streams, either as a fuel or as an industrial feedstock. It can directly replace fossil fuel derived feedstocks in petroleum refining, fertilizer production, steel manufacturing etc.

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Hydrogen fuelled long-haul automobiles and marine vessels can enable decarbonisation of the mobility sector. Green Hydrogen can be particularly useful as a versatile energy carrier for meeting energy requirements of remote geographies, including islands, in a sustainable manner. Despite the unique possibilities and advantages, unfavourable cost economics, lack of harmonized standards and regulations, supply challenges, and costly enabling infrastructure have thus far held back the replacement of fossil fuels and fossil fuel-based feedstock with Green Hydrogen or its derivatives. However, recent trends and analysis indicate that, driven by technology advancements, reduction in costs of renewable energy and electrolysers, and aggressive national strategies by some of the major economies, Green Hydrogen is likely to become cost-competitive in applications across industry, mobility and other sectors within a short span. The Green Hydrogen pathway can be a key enabler for India’s aspirations of building a low-carbon and self-reliant economy. The National Green Hydrogen Mission aims to scale up Green Hydrogen production and utilization across multiple sectors and align with global trends in technology, applications, policy and regulation. The overarching objective of the Mission is to make India the Global Hub for production, usage and export of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives. This will contribute to India’s aim to become Aatmanirbhar (self-reliant) through clean energy and serve as an inspiration for the global Clean Energy Transition.

  • Export opportunity
    • A global demand of over 100 MMT of Green Hydrogen and its derivatives like Green Ammonia is expected to emerge by 2030. Aiming at about 10 per cent of the global market, India can potentially export about 10 MMT Green Hydrogen/Green Ammonia per annum.

  • Expected investment & Clean jobs
    • The production capacity targeted by 2030 is likely to leverage over ₹8 lakh crore in total investments and create over 6 lakh jobs.

  • Emission Reduction Target
    • Nearly 50 MMT per annum of CO2 emissions are expected to be averted as a result of the various Green Hydrogen initiatives under the Mission.

  • Fossil import reduction targets
    • Achievement of Mission targets is expected to contribute to India’s energy security and reduce a cumulative ₹1 lakh crore worth of fossil fuel imports by 2030.